Improving Palliative and End of Life Care on the Central Coast project – Stakeholder workshops: September 6th and 15th, 2022
As the Improving Palliative and End of Life Care on the Central Coast project gets nearer to completion, we would like to extend a warm welcome to stakeholders to attend our workshop (for translating the research findings into action), to be held at the Central Coast Clinical School and Research Institute: 77a Holden Street Gosford.
The Workshops will be held face-to-face in the CCCSRI on Level 8 (77a Holden Street Gosford), with Zoom option if you need to attend remotely.
Workshop attendance is by registration only. Click on an Eventbrite link below to register for your preferred option, and to access the Room number, Zoom link, and Getting here information.
- Option 1: Tue 6th September – 10:00 to 12:00
- Option 2: Tue 6th September – 13:00 to 15:00
- Option 3: Thu 15th September – 10:00 to 12:00
- Option 4: Thu 15th September – 13:00 to 15:00
The Workshops will follow this format:
- Opening and Acknowledgement of Country
- Introductions
- An overview and purpose of the MRFF Improving End of Life Care projects
- Presentation of each Projects findings (2 page plain language summary to follow)
- Interactive small group discussions:
- Are findings meaningful and do they capture the heart of the matter?
- Is there anything missing or surprising?
- What are the key priorities?
- How could we take this forward on the Central Coast?
- including what strategies/policies might we consider for change.
At the end of the workshops, we aim to arrive at a series of recommendations (next steps) for translating this research into action.
We hope that stakeholders will come along and share their insights and passion with us.