
We aim to create a network of individuals and groups drawn from our Central Coast community and beyond who share our passion in understanding how to improve people’s health and wellbeing through new models of integrated care.

The CCRI’s communities of practice will be formed to support a process of collective learning to help understand and drive forward research into new models of integrated care in key priority areas including active and healthy ageing; mental health and wellbeing; complex and chronic illness; Aboriginal health; and other community-derived areas of interest.

Our communities of practice are intended to:
- enable health professionals, managers, researchers and the wider community to share and create knowledge through collective action;
- create a direct link between research, policy and practice in ways that help inform the design and reporting of research studies such that they are both relevant to, and provide advice for, the future implementation of integrated care in practice; and
- support dynamic partnerships and make community connections across organisational and professional boundaries to promote research and research translation.